Third Area/ Valdegovia, Basque Country, Spain 2020/01

THIRD AREA/ 2020/21 

The attic rooms of an old farmhouse in the mountains of the Basque Country where forgotten objects lay waiting for their users to return becomes the transitional space where Third Area comes into being. Defined by the large expanse of the heavy roof, this somewhat claustrophobic void exists between the activity of the residents in the level below and the ever-changing vastness of the sky above. Third Area subverts this now unused space by juxtaposing the lightness of the vessels, hovering in their thin aired environment against the strong materiality of the space. Installing these light-emitting vessels whose bodies physically expand and collapse, their internal lighting brightening and dimming in response to a processor mixer that measures and calculates new cycles of activation, reactivates the inert space where memories and histories, lives lived and lost reside with extraordinary performances that relate more to weather balloons, listening stations, time travellers or fantastical black and star-filled night skies from one’s own childhood.


Disturbance/ Valdegovia, Basque Country, Spain 2022


Remote Sample Access / Hong Kong 2019