Yesterday/ Illusion/ Desire/ Search/ Lux Europae, Art Festival, Edinburgh Scotland /1992

 Yesterday/ Illusion/ Desire/ Search/ 1992/3

Lux Europae was an international arts festival and a celebration of light. The festival marked the occasion of the summit held in Edinburgh, in December 1992, for European leaders from the twelve European member states that made up the EC at the time.

As part of the exhibition kearney installed four aluminium-wax cast busts with frames, fibreglass housing, motion detectors motorised lighting, and an acrylic inflatable fish with internal black light. They were installed on various buildings off the high street in Edinburgh in the winter of 1992/3 as part of the Lux Europa exhibition.

Aware that such a visible opportunity for cultural activity at the government level was a rarity, even within the context of the European Community, Isabel Vasseur relished the moment she was appointed Exhibition Director for the festival in 1991. Her appointment immediately followed a twelve-month cover as Senior Arts Officer at the Arts Council of Great Britain.

The original idea for the festival being placed on an international footing was formed by the European Community Cultural Co-operation Committee, known as EC4, based in Edinburgh. It aimed to encourage cultural representatives of EC member states to foster cultural initiatives with grassroots communities in Scotland.

Curated by Isabel Vasseur/ Archives held by the Henry Moore Foundation.


Photographic Time Line


Untitled/ RHA/ Dublin 2022, Pride in Diversity/ Dublin 1997, Belltable Arts Center, Limerick 1992